Abbot Kinney Pop-Up

Discussion panel

Ideas For Discussion Panels

Are you looking to host an engaging and informative discussion panel? AK Pop-Up, the premier Pop-Up venue in the heart of Abbott Kinney, Los Angeles, is the perfect space to bring together experts and thought leaders for a dynamic panel discussion. With our versatile space and experienced team, we can help you create a thought-provoking and impactful panel event.

1. Industry Trends and Insights: Navigating the Future

Organize a discussion panel that focuses on industry trends and insights. Invite experts and thought leaders from your industry to share their knowledge and perspectives on the current state and future direction of the industry. Topics of discussion can include emerging technologies, market trends, and strategies for success. This panel will provide attendees with valuable insights and help them navigate the ever-changing landscape of the industry.

2. Social Impact and Sustainability: Creating a Better Future

Host a discussion panel that explores the intersection of social impact and sustainability. Invite experts, activists, and entrepreneurs who are making a positive difference in their communities and the environment. Topics of discussion can include sustainable business practices, ethical sourcing, and community engagement. This panel will inspire attendees to take action and create a better future through their own endeavors.

3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Building a Thriving Business

Bring together successful entrepreneurs and innovators for a discussion panel on building a thriving business. Invite founders and CEOs who have achieved success in their respective industries to share their experiences, challenges, and strategies for growth. Topics of discussion can include innovation, leadership, and overcoming obstacles. This panel will provide valuable insights and inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs.

What Is a Discussion Panel?

A discussion panel is a group of experts or individuals who are invited to share their insights and opinions on a particular topic in front of an audience. It is a common format for events such as conferences, seminars, and pop-up shops. The panelists are usually chosen based on their expertise and experience in the topic being discussed.

The discussion panel is moderated by a facilitator who ensures that the conversation stays on track and that all panelists have an opportunity to share their thoughts. The audience may also be given a chance to ask questions or share their own perspectives on the topic.

In a pop-up shop context, a discussion panel can be a great way to engage customers and create a sense of community around your brand. By inviting experts or influencers in your industry to share their insights, you can provide valuable information to your customers and position your brand as a thought leader in your field.

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Discussion Panel Dos and Don’ts for Pop-Up Shop Planning


  • Do choose a diverse panel of experts with different backgrounds and perspectives.
  • Do prepare and send out discussion topics and questions to panelists ahead of time.
  • Do provide an engaging and interactive environment for the audience to participate in the discussion.
  • Do encourage panelists to share personal experiences and anecdotes to make the discussion more relatable.
  • Do keep the discussion on track and within the allotted time.


  • Don’t choose panelists who all have the same opinions and perspectives.
  • Don’t rely solely on audience questions to guide the discussion.
  • Don’t allow any one panelist to dominate the conversation.
  • Don’t let the discussion veer too far off-topic or become too heated.
  • Don’t forget to thank the panelists and audience for their participation at the end of the discussion.

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